Vector(x, y, [z])

A class to describe a two or three dimensional vector. This data type stores two or three variables that are commonly used as a position, velocity, and/or acceleration. Technically, position is a point and velocity and acceleration are vectors, but this is often simplified to consider all three as vectors. For example, if you consider a rectangle moving across the screen, at any given instant it has a position (the object’s location, expressed as a point.), a velocity (the rate at which the object’s position changes per time unit, expressed as a vector), and acceleration (the rate at which the object’s velocity changes per time unit, expressed as a vector). Since vectors represent groupings of values, we cannot simply use traditional addition/multiplication/etc. Instead, we’ll need to do some “vector” math, which is made easy by the methods inside the Vector class.

Constructor of Vector, can be two- or three-dimensional.

Type: function


  • x {Number}:

    The first vector.

  • y {Number}:

    The second vector.

  • z {Number} Optional:

    The third vector.